Hi Buddies, In this blog we will see how we can add our custom Headline in Standard Rolecenter Page. In the below scenario i have add my custom Headline and when i click on this, it will root me to my website. Step-(1) Create a page extension, here i am modifying "Headline RC Business Manager" Rolecenter Page as shown below: pageextension 50021 "Headline RC BM Ext" extends "Headline RC Business Manager" { layout { // Add changes to page layout here addbefore( Control1 ) { field( CustomHeadLine; CustomHeadLine ) { ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnDrillDown () begin ...
Hi folks, In this article we will see how we can export data using Excel Buffer table in Excel format. Here, i am using the Excel Buffer as a temporary table to store data from master table to Buffer table on temporary basis and then write it to Excel file. Step-(1) Based on the data format and columns, create a new Procedure/function on Codeunit to export data and download it in excel file. Codeunit 50002 "Export to Excel" { trigger OnRun () begin end ; procedure ExportSalesHeaderInfo () var TempExcelBuffer: Record "Excel Buffer" temporary ; RecSalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; FullAddress: Text ; begin RecSalesHeader . Reset () ; TempExcelBuffer . Reset () ; TempExcelBuffer . DeleteAll () ; Temp...